
Green Initiatives

At Orion Property Group, LLC we emphasize our green pledge within our company as well as with the residents of our multi-family properties and the tenants in our commercial assets. Orion is sensitive to the environment and believes our green pledges are good for the environment, but also for the properties we are entrusted to manage. Through use of sustainable products, energy efficient appliance and lighting, water conservation and sustainable landscaping the properties energy usage is reduced and therefore costs associated with it. Through our green pledges, Orion is continuously improving our energy performance and looking for ways to continue to reduce our energy footprint.

Orion Green Pledge

  • We pledge to perform an energy audit of all properties to identify ways to reduce energy consumption.
  • We pledge to use our water resources wisely by installing water saving devices in every apartment (e.g., aerators, showerheads, and low flow toilets).
  • We pledge to install energy efficient building systems (e.g., for heaters, air conditioners, and water boilers).
  • We pledge to purchase energy efficient appliances whenever possible in our apartment units.
  • We pledge to use compact fluorescent or energy efficient lighting in all property common areas both interior and exterior.
  • We pledge to reduce, reuse & recycle in our offices and in our maintenance departments.
  • We pledge to educate and encourage our residents on reducing energy consumption.
  • We pledge to own and operate apartments with access to major public transportation.
  • We pledge to use recycled materials in our apartments whenever possible.
  • The owners and property employees of Orion Property Group pledge to continue to expand our knowledge and implement new green initiatives to make your home more eco-friendly and create a quality and sustainable lifestyle.

Residents Green Pledge

  • I pledge to use energy wisely.
  • I pledge to use water wisely.
  • I pledge to turn off all lights in rooms where no one is present.
  • I pledge to use my air conditioning and heating wisely.
  • I pledge to recycle whenever possible.
  • I pledge to use public transportation whenever possible.
  • I pledge to report all water leaks to management to save our water resources.
  • I pledge to use green cleaning supplies whenever possible.
  • I pledge to use energy efficient lighting in my home.
  • I pledge to do my part in making my home and community more ecologically friendly.